• Report to show delegations

    I am  a novice in OneID, but have what may be a simple question: Is there a report that can show the history of delegations during an attestation run?

    EXAMPLE: There is an attestation run from 6/1/24 - 6/10/24.

    During that attestation run, admins had…

  • New Delegations Button Grayed out after update to 9.0 LTS

    Hey everyone, hope all is well!

      For some reason our New Delegation button is grayed out in Production IT Shop, seemingly for all users. I've followed the instructions found here; How to delegate responsibilities to another approver via the web portal…

  • Delegating request approval but not attestation responsibility for manager


    We have OIM 9.1.1 and are using the new Angular UI.

    We have a requirement to delegate request approval responsibility for managers. For some managers, an administrative employee will perform these tasks on permanent basis. At the same time, we have…

  • How Can I Consider ValidUntil in PWO?


    I have several delegations. Although Date Now is bigger than Valid Until of these delegations,the system has not been considering Valid Until and has not been taking back these delegations.How can i solve this issue?

    Thank You,


  • "You can request delegation for these employees" configuration is set to IsInActive=0 however still able to delegate approvals to these inactive employees


    I want to have all inactive employees as much wiped from the web portal as possible, especially for delegation. Currently can still search in the web portal and find all inactive employees which would like to also remove and keep it just in the One…

  • Attributes of AttestationHelper

    Hi experts,

    I have some general questions regarding attestations and the AttestationHelper table.

    I have that the issue that some users are getting emails for recertification tasks, because they are in the AttestationHelper table with the same LevelNumber…

  • Delegation - Any possibilities to set delegation after person left for vacation already already?


    is there any possibility to set the delegation (as Admin) to people who already left for vacation and forgot to set it themselves?

    We are on version: 8.1.2. 


  • Pending attestations mit delegation

    Hello to all, 

    i hope you can help to undetstand how this works.

    I (person A) delegate the role "Manger of person" from Person X to another person B.

    After this, an attestation process runs and both persons (A and B) gets the pending attestations…

  • Getting error when trying to delegate role memebership

    When trying to delegate role membership or employee manager responsibilities though the web portal I keep receiving this error:

    Delegation could not be saved.
    One or more errors occurred.
    PersonWantsOrg: The following fields are compulsory and need to…
  • Approval procedure for delegations

    (Ver 7.1.2)

    Hello again experts,


    Let me explain what we want to do and how have we tried to do so.

    So our aim is to create an approval workflow for delegations in which the person you are delegating to has to approve it (“accept” that delegation). Sounds…

  • Delegate Employee Responsibilities of Other Users

    In our environment we want to grant to members of a certain business role the ability to delegate any employee responsibility belonging to any user.  For example, if Jane is part of the "Help Desk" business role she should be able to  navigate…

  • How to delegate pending requests?


    There is an option in the portal to delegate pending attestations but I don't see a similar option for pending requests? Does such option exist?


  • RE: delegation of business roles

    Hi Sergei,

    You can only delegate what you have currently assigned or are responsible for and the item has to be delegable. Please check your role class for the business roles you are missing in the delegation view. I assume that the role class is not set…