• How to add a column to filter in grid, in web designer

    I have a request property that uses the department column. When users of the web portal choose a department, only the column Fullpath is shown. I do not want the users to manually add the column Departmentname, but rather have that column as default,…

  • Prevent selection of first row in gridband

    Hello Community,

    how can i prevent that when loading a gridband the first row is always selected automatically if the row selection mode is set to single row selection?
    Is there a parameter or something similar?

    Configuration Gridband:



  • How to create two different container in MasterPane?

    I have to display two grids conditionally.
    There is MasterPane with only one container Inside that container there is Grid node. Here I want to add another container at same level but system not showing option to new node as container.
    So I created two child…

  • Grid Band Search Function


    We are working with a Grid Band search function, setting the "IsSearchActive" extended property to true, and can only get results back that start with the search string entered.  We also want to get results that "include" the search string…

  • Web Designer: Interacting with Grid filters


    Can anyone provide insights on how to handle the new Grid / Grid Band components correctly?

    Specifically, I'd like to:

    1. Have Filters on columns containing additional properties (defined in WebDesigner) within "Database (automatic load)" data…