• Account definition and active directory licenses assigned to a business role are removed when identity is disabled

    Hello everyone,

    I am working with Identity Manager v. 8.2.

    I have assigned an account definition and some Active Directory licenses to a Business Role. The query of the dynamic role associated with the business role is "IsExternal = 0", nothing else…

  • Exchange Online shared mailbox members visibility in One Ideneity


    I am trying to find all members of a shared exchange online mailbox, in One Identity. 

    I am looking at the MailBox schema in my exchange online connector via the sync editor

    The properties i am looking at are:

    • GrantSendOnBehalfTo
    • ResourceDelegate…
  • Sync job connecting to SQL server by aad integrated authentication?

    Working to reduce reliance on static passwords for integration. 

    How can I create a sync job to connect to a SQL target system using Azure Active Directory integrated authentication? The account running the job service has access to the SQL I need, but…

  • Creating a process step that allows you to remove all groups from a user

    I need to create a process that removes all groups from a user, however when trying to use the HandleComponent I can only remove a single group from the user.

  • How can I filter the values ​​from a drop-down menu of a custom field?

    Hello everybody.

    I've created a custom field in the Person that shows a drop-down menu.

    The table of the custom field has a column with the uidDepartment reported.


    custom table:

    column1                                 column2

    customValue1                       uid_department1

    customValue2                       u…

  • Getting frozen job for Azure active directory synch project job-One Identity manager version 8.2

    Getting frozen job for Azure active directory synch project job v8.2 error message on job ErrorMessages (2022-09-06 15:03:16.710) [2134003] Error running synchronization.
    [2134004] The synchronization workflow (CCC-BD2F8D384933024CA9CA62728F057510) could…

  • Any way to Change an ACCProduct from UNSGroupB to Eset/ADSGroup

    We have a number of different product configurations that need changing. 

    The obvious way is to create the new Product, Backfill all the users into a PWO request, unsubscribe/abort the existing access that's been replaced, which loses the connection from…

  • How Can I Consider ValidUntil in PWO?


    I have several delegations. Although Date Now is bigger than Valid Until of these delegations,the system has not been considering Valid Until and has not been taking back these delegations.How can i solve this issue?

    Thank You,


  • Executing script from specific job server via API call

    We have created a LDAP search script which we want use via API call.
    Now this script works fine if we test it from Designer in customer job server environment.
    If we test it over API call or Designer then it always throws error that server is not operational…


    Мы используем V8.2 для подключения к SAP R/3. При тестировании соединителя мы получили эту ошибку
    [SAP.Middleware.Connector.RfcAbapException] OPTION_NOT_VALID

    Компоненты .NET SAP установлены.