• Unable to input the password to Create a new SQL Server Logins for the database in Configuration Wizard as it is greyed out, and even unable to use other options as I get different error messages.

    Hello Everyone,

    I'm having a weird issue, I'm not sure if the approach is correct or wrong, as I'm completely new to OIM, and this is happening while creating new SQL Server Logins for the administrator in Configuration Wizard.

    Version: 9…

  • How can I determine account definition removal?


    We have been seeing some Person's getting removed from an Account Definition by SA. I'm not certain why these have occurred. Nothing fired any of the retain account definition options. Can someone tell me how I can determine why this is happening…

  • Unable to connect with the service account for one of a client while trying to enter the user account for installing and operating the service.

    Dear All,

    Currently, we are having an issue with one of our clients and this is a new implementation project for OIM, with OIM 9.1 version.

    Steps to reproduce:

    1) We have created a path for the installation of OIM in folder C:\OIM\One IdentityManager9…

  • Change Manger through Web Portal

    Hi everyone,

    I use OIM version 81.5 and I want to change a default behaviour of OIM in the Web Portal.

    When a manager wants change his subordinates' manager, he click on the subordinate, then on "Master Data" and finally on the button "Assign new manager…

  • User SA in XUserInserted/Updated

    Who does the IDM refer to when the user who changed or created was the SA?

  • Duplicate ADSAccount Objects

    Some accounts are mysteriously being duplicated in IDM pointing to the ObjectGUID and SID of the original object, however not existing in IDM, not following the cause, has anyone experienced this or know of a solution? If so, what would be the best way…

  • Where can I find documentation on PowerShell connect for IDM?

    Hi, I am currently in need of training for using PowerShell connectors for Identity Management (IDM). However, I couldn't find any clear documentation. Can you please guide me on where to download the relevant documents?

  • Revision filter supported by which connectors

    What are the connectors that support the revision filter? Why doesn't Azure AD support revision filter? Would it be possible for connectors like Azure AD to receive revision filter?

  • In V9.0 LTS profileHasAuthObjectField step, while synching SAP authorization details from Target System it is not synching the data when records are huge

    In V9.0 LTS profileHasAuthObjectField step, while synching SAP authorization details from Target System it is not synching the data when records are huge.

    This step at first instance was supposed to fetch around 80 millions of records which is not able…

  • missing internal name information


    Reaching out to anyone who may have seen this issue. A person fills out the web portal form to insert a user and it allows the field to get populated. The internal name does not generate like the first name is missing and the central account is not…

  • How do StringErrors work in IDM?

    I would like to know how StringErrors work, for example the message that is displayed on the Login screen "[1205002] You are not authorized to use this database.", it is not translated (and it is not even found in the DialogMultiLanguage table), neither…

  • Error in Web Portal while saving view

    Good evening,

    While saving a view for my collaborates I see this error:

    'Uncaught Typerror: Cannot read properties of null (reading 'addClass')'

    Have someone the same issue? How I can resolve?

    I use One Identity Manager v. 8.1.5


  • Parameter "QER\Attestation\MailTemplateIdents\RequestApproverByCollection"

    Hi, I configured 3 Attestations: 1)  for SAP Users 2) for AD Users 3) for Third Party Users I'm using "QER\Attestation\MailTemplateIdents\RequestApproverByCollection" to send only one e-mail to the approver. My question is there a way to have multiple e…

  • Parameter "QER\Attestation\MailTemplateIdents\RequestApproverByCollection"

    Hi  I configured 3 Attestations: 1)  for SAP Users 2) for AD Users 3) for Third Party Users I'm using "QER\Attestation\MailTemplateIdents\RequestApproverByCollection" to send only one e-mail to the approver. My question is there a way to have multiple e-mail…

  • Report Editor Import styles option missing (Identity Manager 9.0)

    Hi guys,

    I've been working with report editor for the past two years and today I stumbled across a curious problem. In all IDM versions you could click on data source in existing report, find styles (odd/even lines etc) and export them. You would…

  • SharePoint connector

    Hi all,

    I am setting up a SharePoint farm connector on One Identity Manager version 8.1.5.

    Reading the documentation, it is written that it is necessary to set up a synchronization server with the SharePoint farm, the One Identity Manager Service, the Sha…

  • System Meter Report definitions

    Hi everyone:

    I've just downloaded the System Meter Report from One Identity Manager to count my users, but I can't find a definition for the different categories (Distributor, Provider, Contractor, etc.). I need to differentiate managed persons from…

  • Check consistency error generate by a script

    Hello everyone,

    i have an issue with the script below :

    Dim f As ISqlFormatter = Connection.SqlFormatter
    Dim whereClause_AccProductGroup As String
    Dim whereClause_ITShopOrg As String
    Dim whereClause_PWODecisionMethod As String

  • Fire test email reminder for attestation

    Hi All,

    Does anyone know how to send I can send a test for a reminder email? We are trying to determine somethings with the email routing and need to send some test messages on the fly. I just have a template I want to send as a test but not sure how…

  • Generic Database Connector


    I would like to use the Generic Database Connector for Synchronize Data From MS SQL Database

    I able to setup the connection, select the Database.

    But after I finished the Synch project, I not able to see in the Target system when I clicked the Browse…

  • An error occurred while processing your request. Check the application log files or contact the system administrator for this website.


    The approvers are getting this error while trying to validate a permission in the Protal.

    Is there any troubleshooting process to verify what is blocking ?

    PS: I don't have access to the log server.

    Thank you.

  • How can I change the login page error message?

    I need to change the error message on the login page, but I looked in the VI_Common_Login Web Designer component and I didn't find any message that I could change, I just found container5 - Error/message that just change the message display style to a…

  • How can I change the login page error message?

    I need to change the error message on the login page, but I looked in the VI_Common_Login Web Designer component and I didn't find any message that I could change, I just found container5 - Error/message that just change the message display style to a…

  • Getting the payload in One Identity

    HI All,

    I need to get the current payloads which get sent from RACV’s 1IM platform, for all user account transactions.

    Would you know how I can get this or what tool I will be needing to get this.

    I am using One identity version 9.0 LTS

  • How to create a Manager access profile with view-only rights ?

    Hello, I would like to know how to create profiles with only viewing rights to use the Manager, we currently use ViAdmin to carry out tasks, however we need more people to access the Manager, but it is not safe for everyone to have the full power of ViAdmin…