• Report validation script

    I'm trying to create a report for IT Shop requests to be used by application managers. Since we have  > 30 000 products and no logical grouping parameters, i have just writtens this in the sql query:

    WHERE pwo.DisplayOrg LIKE '%' + @Displayorg +…

  • Add custom error message in the web interface

    Hello everyone,

    (OI Manager v.8.1)

    Under certain circumstances we are getting following error message in the web interface (Detail of the request, in the 'Information' tab):

    "An error occurred while processing your request. Check the application…

  • How to enable more than one working copy in Identity Audit - Rules (ComplianceRule table)

    I am doing compliance rule creation in bulk using the Data Import tool for One Identity Manager version 8.1.5.

    However, facing challenges in enabling working copies of these compliance rules.

    There is a method called "Enable working copy," which can enable…

  • Permission groups and menus in web portal


    We are running into an issue pertaining to application roles and role based permission groups. We want to give certain application roles access to the “Data Administration/Data Explorer” menu in the web portal.

    The custom application…

  • Virtual Object matching rule

    Hello All,

    I seem to be having an issue with my object matching rule in synchronization editor. I had this issue years ago and got it fixed. I recently went to version 8.0 and now no matter what i do the i keep getting duplicate inserts for a single entry…

  • Approval Workflow

    Hi All,

    Can some one please assist me on the below.

    Scenario: Currently we have existing IT shop and a work flow is assigned to it. Now the request is we are creating to new workflow for the same IT shop.

    So the question is if there are products already…

  • I was upgrading a client OIM from version 8.1.3 to 8.2 and got the following error while trying to upgrade

    Processing step 'TSB CodeFileInsert (create procedures)' failed.
    3 - SqlFile command failed.
    Error processing sql command line 35 in file 030ViewDefinitionPostStuff\TSB_FTMembershipWithoutPerson.sql
    Error running statement: create function dbo.TSB_FTMembershipWithoutPerson…

  • I was upgrading a client OIM from version 8.1.3 to 8.2 and got the following error while trying to upgrade

    Processing step 'TSB CodeFileInsert (create procedures)' failed.
    3 - SqlFile command failed.
    Error processing sql command line 35 in file 030ViewDefinitionPostStuff\TSB_FTMembershipWithoutPerson.sql
    Error running statement: create function dbo.TSB_FTMembershipWithoutPerson…

  • Microsoft Visual Studio (2022 version 17.4)


    How I must config - connect the Microsoft Visual Studio (2022 version 17.4) to access the OIM database and can I see all scripts and process?

    How can I see and debug, edit, test VB .Net scripts in the Visual Studio?

    Thank you and best regar…

  • How to show Sub Identity Approval procedure on the Main Identity WEB Portal?

    We use Main Identity and Sub identity.

    The main Identity login into the Web portal and create a request on behalf in the Sub Identity.

    In this case the calculated Approval decision the Sub Identity Organization Manager.

    But we would like to show this…

  • AccProduct Name could not be updated and saved (Ident_accproduct) v8.1.5

    HI there,

    I'm trying to do a simple update on AccProduct (service item), change the name (Ident_accproduct). IM version 8.1.5, But it's throwing an DB error while trying to update and save.

    [1025012] Object (NEW productName) could not be saved…

  • issue on lunching rdp

    dear colleges

    there is a linux as asset in my network i can use rdp straight but when i use PAM console it got error like cannot establish connection after username and password applied.

    as i checked log files SSL handshake successfully completed i think…

  • HTML5 template for custom applications now live

    Just a quick note to announce that we have added a template for custom HTML5 applications. You can find this on the official One Identity Github repository,


  • Object browser saved queries

    Hello Experts,

    Can you tell me how i can get my object browser saved queries to another job server?

    I though it would be there when i built a new job server but i don't see it on the new one.



  • For Azure AD connector revision filter dropdown on workflows(USER,Group..) are disable,How to enable it as it is gray out?

    On Azure Active Directory connector revision filter dropdown option is disable for Users, Groups workflows.

    How to enable this revision filter if we want apply it?

  • Move deactivate account in different OU in Active Directory


    OneIM Version 8.2.1

    I have a requirement to move to deactivate accounts in different OU in AD. And I have to customize the template for ADSAccount.UID_ADSContainer to implement my requirement.

    Can someone help me with the code to set in ADSAccount…

  • How to export all mail templates from One Identity Manager in a readable format

    How to export all or selected mail templates from One Identity Manager in a readable format.

    I tried it from Designer > Documentation > System Configuration Report > Templates but it is not exporting mail templates.

    Using version 8.1.5

  • Generic Identity and Test identity

    Hello Everyone,

    I'm new on OIM and we are currently installing OIM 8.2 for our client.

    In the all IAM solution of our client, they use Generic Identity which is not associed to a particular employee  and Test Identity which is use to make test wirh…

  • Removing of AccountDef prevents updating targetsystem via Powershell


    I've created a Powershell-connector to a Rest API and Insert and Delete works just fine. Even Update works but not when the account definition is removed from the user and XMarkedForDeletion is set.

    I even added a process step in CCC_TSB_PersonHasTSBAccountDef_Autodelete_Account…

  • Requirement to have more than one manager at a time, for a system role in Identity Manager

    How can we have more than one Manager at a time, for a system role in Identity Manager?

    We have a requirement where a role's membership can be managed from IT Shop by more than one individua at a time.

    I can see only a system role manager can view…

  • Employee Manager Role for only Active Employees

    Good afternoon. Tell me, please.
    The following role exists - Base roles\Employee Managers.
    It is necessary that this role is displayed only for working employees.
    The following problem arose. When an employee quits, his manager is displayed in the manager…

  • Create external user with ITSHOP

    Hi All,
    How to create an item in ITSHOP to create an external user?
    Has anyone created this item?
  • Identity Manager DGE Activity Reports

    Hi everyone,

    I'm currentry trying to configure and display the Account Activity and Resource Activity reports in the Data Governance Edition for the following host types:

    1. DFS host

    2. Remote Windows Server (Resource Activity Report non available…

  • Primary Location selection from Web portal - Slow to display list

    Hello, Can anyone tell me if there is something special I need to do in the Web portal to get the list show up quicker?

    I have the Primary Location (UID_Locality) as a selection on the web portal for when employees update or create a person record.


  • Message on portal home page


    We would like to display a banner/message on one identity portal home page for the users for some new functionality we are putting in. I have tried looking at web designer but could not find anything. Can you please help me on how to do that?
