• How to trigger Insert Event when an entry is made by DBQueue

    Hello everyone,

    after assigning a systemrole via IT-Shop i want to call a Process. So i created an insert event on PersonHasEset which calls this process. Sadly the Insert event is only triggered when assigning the systemrole directly and now when ordered…

  • Error installing Job Server

    We are installing version 8.1 of the product and we have a serious problem when installing or defining the Job Server. The error code is as follows:

    Error during execution of statement: 
    insert into QBMServerHasDeployTarget (UID_QBMDeployTarget, UID_QBMServer…

  • How to generate UID for any table?


    We are trying to insert data in table using script for which we need to generate UID as well as XObjectKey. I tried searching for OOTB system scripts if we can reuse it and generate UID but could not find it. Can you please help? Thank you.

  • error while inserting user data into person table via script

    We have script for inserting User data into Person table .Recently there is no insertion is happening due to below error ,

    Insert User with ID 00005783
    2018-06-25 14:51:28 +02:00 - Serious - Error in line 3051: [810023] Error during execution of statement…

  • "Insert" Event for Department

    If I want to create a custom process in case of an "insert" event of a new department, who can I do that? On which table? With which (pre-)conditions?