• Insert DepartmentHasADSGroup via process chain results in a "Violation of PRIMARY KEY constraint ... Cannot insert duplicate key in object" - Error

    This error does not occur when i assign the same assignment in the manager.

    And this is my expected behavior.

    Before the assignment, i have an indirect assignment and after the assignment i want to have a direct, indirect assignment (Xorigin = 3).


  • Emails not seen in Sent Mailbox


    We are observing the following behavior with emails going out from our one Identity processes, that any email going out to users is not being seen in the Sent mailbox. Please advise what could be missing. We want all the emails that are sent out must…

  • Red Dot Next To Process Automation

    I have some Process Automations and they were green but I've noticed they've now turned red. I can execute them fine and there doesn't seem to be any problem with them. What does the red dot indicate?