• How the passcode is hashed and stored in Person table?


    We have used "CreatePasscode" method in the process to create passcode for user and trying to store that passcode in Person table. But, it needs hash value of this passcode. Is there OOTB script that can be called for this functionality? Version we…

  • Script Insert


    I have created a script which will use webservice and creates a request in CA service Desk.

    I want to run this script on certian condition is true (Job title = Manager) after creates the AD account. So I want to include the script in ADSAccount_insert…

  • Sync Process Fails for User with Locked Property


    I'm currently testing methods of preventing updates on certain properties for specific users in our non-production environment. We have selected 'prohibit modification' for the CCC_JobCodeType property field on a test Person.



  • Get group memberships in process or script


    I have created a process and a script that creates users in a 3rd-party system (Mindflash) when the ADSAccount is added to a specific ADSGroup. This works fine now, but now I want to add the user to groups in this system based on group memberships…

  • Move process to between queue


    After a DRP where we have switching the queue from server A to server B in database, we are facing a issue.

    We have some process blocked in statut "LOADED" because they are still set on server A instead of server B.

    It is possible to…

  • "Insert" Event for Department

    If I want to create a custom process in case of an "insert" event of a new department, who can I do that? On which table? With which (pre-)conditions?

  • Identity Manager 7.0.1 - DBQueue Company Resource Assignments

    After running various updates in Manager a process in the DBQueue fires called 'Company Resource Assignments'. While this is expected the fact that it can take several hours to process a couple of hundred updates isn't. Has anyone any experience of this…