• How to trigger Insert Event when an entry is made by DBQueue

    Hello everyone,

    after assigning a systemrole via IT-Shop i want to call a Process. So i created an insert event on PersonHasEset which calls this process. Sadly the Insert event is only triggered when assigning the systemrole directly and now when ordered…

  • How to add INSERT Event on PersonHasEset

    Hi everyone,

    i am trying to create a process which should be getting triggered by an INSERT on the PersonHasEset Table.

    Sadly I cant find any Events on that Table.

    can i maybe create an event like this manually and why is this the case?

  • custom process: no approver available for attestation


    If there is something that needs to be approved, but no approver is available, the system will abort the task with the reason "#LDS#Automatic system approval: No approver available.|".

    This is true for IT Shop requests and attestation cases…

  • Method not found: 'CCC_CustomTable VI.DB.Model.Table.get_CCC_CustomTable()'.

    Hi everyone

    I created a new custom table (CustomTable) and try to delete an entry inside a process. But I keep getting the following error message:

    Method not found: 'CCC_CustomTable VI.DB.Model.Table.get_CCC_CustomTable()'.

    Has anyone else had…

  • How to check an event in the process generating condition


    I need to check in a process generating condition if the event is an insert or it is an update.

    Can you help?

    Thank you,


  • How to generate a process when clicking on a button in Web Designer?

    Hi there,

    I have a button in the Web Designer and I would like to generate a process when clicking on it. What I would like to do, in particular, is to set some parameters of the process. Otherwise, it would be okay to populate the PC variable.

    I know…

  • Theshold for deactivating users in based on ExitDate


    I'm implementing a mechanism to lower the risk of mass-deactivation of users. In our environment we are importing an updating users from HR, and deactivating based on the ExitDate with the default process VI_Person_Deactive_ExitDate_Expired. We…

  • Creating a process step that allows you to remove all groups from a user

    I need to create a process that removes all groups from a user, however when trying to use the HandleComponent I can only remove a single group from the user.

  • Running Custom Task - Quick Start Guide

    I have set up a number of custom tasks to run a process with different input variables. In the documentation I can see there are different ways of associating the tasks with permission groups or objects but cannot find a quick way of running the tasks…

  • 810222 - Error executing script due to a null reference

    Hi all,

    I have a simple process, linked to JobAutoStart table that executes a simple script.

    I've created this process in development environment and everything works fine.

    The problems are coming out while porting the same configuration in production…

  • Error: You have to provide an initial catalogue - TimeTrace Setup and Config

    I have followed the guide to setup a HistoryDB and configure the TimeTrace feature using: https://support.oneidentity.com/technical-documents/identity-manager/8.0/user-guide-for-the-user-interface-and-default-functions/18

    When I click on the button inside…

  • Where to find and Change Common_TimeTrace parameter

    "To display the TimeTrace view in the Manager, the user requires the Option to show the TimeTrace (Common_TimeTrace) program function."


    "In the Designer, check whether the Common | ProcessState configuration parameter is set. If not, set…

  • CreateAttestation with parameters

    Good evening everyone,

    I am trying to trigger an attestation from a process and pass the strings for PropertyInfo1 and PropertyInfo2. The version I am using is V. 8.1.5

    If I run the method CreateAttestation(String strObjectKey, Dictionary'2 dicData) from…

  • Need clarity | Creating UNSAccountB from account definition on employee creation

    Hi fellow experts,

    I hope everyone is save and healthy.

    I've configured an account definition for a custom target system and mapped it with a business role (assigned using a dynamic rule). So the creation of UNSAccountB is happening and using the generic…

  • Is there a way to limit access to Designer/SyncEditor to Read-Only for System accounts?

    Hello Experts,

    I have a bit of an issue and looking to see if there is a solution.  Currently we are using OneIM 8.0.1.  Our whole team has System Accounts due to need for provisioning in manager.  I was wondering if there was a way to create custom roles…

  • Variable set usage in a sync project


    I have a process that should call a startup configuration from a sync project. Depending on the CSV file that's being used in the process, I want to use a specific variable set. Is it possible to map that within the process step parameters or is it…

  • Loop a process for each CSV file that is in a share


    My current predicament is that I have a process that for each CSV file existing in a share, validates the file and if it's ok, then should call a synchronization project. After the import is done, the file should be moved into a processed folder and…

  • MakeDecision job stuck in "processed" state.

    recently was found that all makedecision jobs just stuck in processing state and nothing happens.
    All other jobs successfuly executes and there is no isReset in dbqueue. Which means that object layer don't see any "contested" operations.…

  • Error occurs when job servers are getting updated


    We are working version 8.0 and we are getting error "An item with same key has already been added" when job servers are getting updated by the process "VID_JobServerUpdateCheck" and the error occurs at the step "GetUpdateFiles". Can you please help…

  • Issue - DB Server CPU Utilization reaching 100%

    OIM Version - 7.1

    We have a scripted data import that is triggered to populate few custom tables. The input data for this comes from a simple select query which has a join of 3 OIM tables and result of that query will be used to performs insert update delete…

  • Attestation mail events are not getting triggered


    We are working on One IM version 8.0 and we have restored our database. But, now attestation mails are not getting triggered. We see that event "DecisionRequired" should get triggered when a new attestation is raised or when a new ITshop request is…

  • Is it possible to securely share variable of any type (e.g. System.Object) between scripts?

    I am trying to securely share variable of any type (e.g. System.Object or SqlConnection) between scripts executed by various processes with ScriptComponent.ScriptExec component?

    Happy to provide more information on actual use cases if this would help…

  • Updateing DateTime Attribute with "HandleObjectComponent - Update"

    Dear Community,

    I needed to implement a process that sets a new "DateLastWorked" based on the ExitDate of a person.

    The new DateLastWorked must be set to the end of the day, based on ExitDate, i.e. 09.10.2018 23:59:00.000

    I chose the "HandleObjectComponent…

  • How to check the name of the column which is updated?


    I want to add a trigger on update process of Person table where I need to read the name of the column which got updated. I am able to check the date when the record was updated and the user who updated it but unable to check the column which was updated…

  • Persons get inserted into PersonHasQERResource, but the process is not executed.


    (running Identity Manager 8.0.1)

    I've created a process for a resource (Enable/disable Skype through Powershell) and connected it to a business role (everyone at IT, approx. 100 people). I see in PersonHasQERResource that everyone is inserted but…