• Service Items visibility based on the selection of the other service item

    Hello All,

    We are using One Identity Manager 9.2 version and using Angular Web portal.

    We are trying to limit the visibility of service items based on the selection of the other service items selected on the portal.

    We have explored the option of service…

  • Translations does not comes into correct sort order

    Hello All,

    We are using oneIM 9.2 version and using Angular web portal.

    We have observed when we initiate to submit new request, service items does sort order does not come according to the visible name on the portal rather than it uses the Ident_AccProduct…

  • Angular/API server: New User creation and limited fields

    We are working to implement a new user form in the angular portal. We are targeting the endpoint /portal/admin/person to do the insert. 

    However, this endpoint appears to be limited on what columns can be written and in this environment one of the required…

  • Angular Web Portal Issue: TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'length')

    Hello everyone,

    We are using One Identity Manager 9.2 and Angular Web Portal.  When some user logon to Web Portal, they encountered an error (TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'length')). Why do some users encounter an error like…

  • Run a attestation in the new IT Shop/Web Portal


    how can I run a specific Atttestation case. In our case it's about creating a identity. When we create the identity and press the save button, I also want to run our specific attestation

    Thank you


  • Angular Web Not Showing Attestation and Business Role

    Hi all,

    I'm using the new angular web portal on the 9.2 version of One Identity Manager. I followed all the steps in the given link “support.oneidentity.com/.../3. Firstly, I downloaded the project from GitHub and then customized the project and built…

  • How Can I Remove Service Category Column in Angular Web Portal

    Hello everyone,

    While our customer was requesting a product, they expressed a preference not to see the service category column. How can I remove the service category column?

    Best Regards,

  • My Responsibilities view - System roles


    how is the view of System Roles in Portal handled right now?

    First, it only shows up in the dashboard when you add a System role manager directly to the system role. Is it not possible over the service item and add there a product owner.


  • Request History Buttons


    when you open My Responsibilites > Identities and select one there is the tab "Requests". There is the history of what that person ordered.

    When you select one order, it will open up a sidesheet. And there will also buttons show up …

  • Translations in new web (Angular)


    i added a new text in the web, which i want to be translated. But i don't find out where these changes are made.

    I tried in the Designer Base Data > Localization > Translatable text to add a new EntryKey. But in the Translation Editor the…

  • How may I use the Validation, Valuation and Data Dependencies script field in the new Web Portal?

    I am using the Angular web portal and studying how I could replicate other customers' product customizations

    I previously asked how I can customize products, and with the answer I solved part of the problem, with "Request Properties"


  • How may I use the Validation, Valuation and Data Dependencies script field in the new Web Portal?

    I am using the new web portal with Angular and studying how I could replicate other customers' product customizations

    I previously asked how I can customize products, and with the answer I solved part of the problem, with "Request Properties"…

  • Request property email validation

    I’m using request properties in the new web portal to create and update objects in AD. I’m able to do most of what I need, except validation of email addresses. I have simplified the parameter set a lot in this example, but this is basically what I’m…

  • Changing Web Portal Based on Angular


    We are trying to change some features (company logo, color etc.) on Web Portal. When we opened web portal from local, we can see changing on Web Portal whatever when we opened web portal through Client URL, we couldn't see any changing on web portal…

  • Calling methods/Generating events for entities from Angular Web Portal (9.1)

    Environment: OIM9.1, API Server, Angular Web Portal

    Hello Community,

    I 'd be really grateful if you could point me into the right direction with a feature that I need to implement into the Web Portal.

    On a technical level, the requirement is to generate…

  • V2 Client

    Hi there!

    Is it possible to filter the data which i get from the typedClient.PersonAll.Get.Entity();
    To filter alls exteranl employes which are which are on the key entitiyData and then in the Columns.

  • Request property default value

    Environment: 1IM 9.1.1 Angular WebPortal

    we are adding 2 custom Request Properties for a service item 

    StartDate and ExitDate

    both of'm are DateTime type and UserPrompt, i would like to have the value of ExitDate automatically set to StartDate + 1

  • Not able to log into Angular Development Environment after CU2


    After the update to CU2 on 9.0 LTS, In my Angular Development Environment i'm not able to login anymore. 

    While fetching the projectconfig  

    Request URL: localhost:8182/.../projectconfig
    Request Method: GET
    Status Code: 500 Internal Server…

  • Swagger-UI Message "Could not render ue, see the console"


    we are testing first queries for the API server with version 9.1.1.
    We were able to add our company logo to the new portal using the KB article.

    With the Swagger UI doc we want to create and test more queries - but in the Swagger UI we get the following…

  • Configuration and Permissions for new Angular based Web Portal (IT Shop)


    we are currently testing first steps towards the new Angular Web with version 9.1.1.
    Now there seems to be still 2 points where we have not yet read properly from the documentation how to do the respective configuration/settings.

    1) Where or how…

  • How to configure authentication module für angular-based portal?!


    We are currently running the first steps in version 9.1.1.
    We also want to see what steps are necessary to get the new portal based on Angular up and running.

    In the documentation (support.oneidentity.com/.../2 the point "Configuring authentication…

  • Angular Development - API Server doesn't accept requests because of a missing XSRF Token

    Hello everyone,

    so i set up a angular development projekt using a local API server.

    The API Server doesn't accept Requests because of a missing XSRF Token. 

    When I look into the Development Tools, it tells me that the browser doesn't accept incom…

  • Importing Angular project into database (1IM 9.0 LTS)

    So I've created a custom qer-app-portal Angular project and I'm trying to import it into the database following the instructions posted in the "OneIM_HTML5_Development_Guide".   Since inserting images isn't working right now, I'm just…