• Getting error "This employee is not authorized to make approvals"in "MakeDecision" method.



    my use case has approval workflow as below

    1. It is one level approval and has two approval steps.

    a. first step is "BS": back to requester

    b. second is "EX": external approval. External approval calls custom process and this custom process…

  • Is it allowed/possible to extend DialogColumn Table in Q1IM 6.1.4 ?

    If yes how can i do that?


  • Read/Updating Oracle sequence in 1IM Sync Editor



    We established a target system connection using native Oracle connector. The target system is a small application, they use Oracle Sequence to generate simple user UID as key column.


    So when we provision new user from UNSAccountB of 1IM to the…

  • How to assign active directory group account manager through ITshop ?

    My use case is: If the current account manager of AD group gets disabled, it gets removed as an account manager from the AD group which is as expected but now I want to assign new account manager to this AD group through ITshop and the workflow to assign…

  • How can we automatically raise a request on specific event of the process?



    Is it possible to raise a request automatically on a specific event of the process? If yes, how can we do that? Please help

  • How to implement sequential processing for process task/process component?



    I want the process task "Send Mail" to execute sequentially and not in parallel. For e.g 100 jobs came in job queue for sending mail at a time so right now One IM executes this job in parallel. But I want it to be done in sequence. I checked…

  • What is v8 One Identity Manager Maintenance Mode

    Could someone help me understand what Maintenance Mode is? And how to disable this mode? We are showing an alert that states "The One Identity Manager Database is in maintenance mode" on the system tray of Manager\Sync Editor etc.. 

    So far I…

  • Exchange Connector-Cross-Forest authentication

    Hello everybody, I am in trouble on a customer with the current infrastructure and looking forward for advice.
    The One Identity instance with all servers is in the Active Directory Forest A, the target domain in Forest B.
    Between the forests there is no…
  • Data insert through CSV in Person table


    I am trying to insert user data through CSV and so created mappings and workflow. I am able to insert the user but CentralAccount for that user is not getting generated. Can anyone please help

  • Enabling and Disabling Modules

    Hello All


    How critical is it to disable a module after having done couple of tests with it?

    What is the better approach:

    - leave the module enabled

    - re-install the schema (we can easily do it because the environment is just installed and completely…

  • Creating Powershell connection to Target System using the rest api

     Hi Team,

    I am new to One Identity Manager and have the task to use PowerShell connector to connect target system.

    Steps I performed so far after referring the Powershell documentation provided by 1IM

    1. In the synchronisation Editor, I have selected a…

  • 1IM service account permissions required in the DA Domain when using Active Roles?

    [1IM 6.1.4, Active Roles 6.9, SQL DB, Windows 2012 R2 servers]


    Does the 1IM service account (used to run the job server service) need or require domain admin permissions if using Active Roles to connect to the domain?


    We are using Active Roles and our…

  • v8 Synchronization Editor - Requires encrypted values

    So...easyone...after the v8 upgrade, I established connection strings for the all the sync projects. I figured that would be the only time I would have to supply the missing values. Now every time someone accesses a project we have to supply the server…

  • Raising event from WebDesigner not working

    V 7.1.2: In WebDesigner I am calling a script in an action. Script among other things generates an event. I see script working fine, however an exception is thrown when it comes to generating that event. I tried simulating the event on the same person…

  • Column format for First and Last Name of person table.


    How can we change the format for First name and last name columns in Person Table. We current added a Contractor from the identity manager webportal. We are using VI_Employee_Edit module to add a record to the person table . If a user enter the…

  • Bulk deprovision in 6.1.2


    We are cleansing our data(before migrating from 6-->8 next year).

    In the current system, we have to remove several System Roles from multiple users, we don't have a automated script for this, and we want to avoid any change\updates to the scripts…

  • process orchestration loop

    Hi, I have a question regarding process orchestration. I want to send email notifications to different administrators based on the access resource a user has. So In the process orchestration instead of creating individual step-blocks like:

    if user has…

  • Migration 6.1.1 to 6.1.4 : JobInitQueue Failed


    We have migrated our environment from 6.1.1 to 6.1.4.

    After the migration (No error message), the job queue doesn't seems to work anymore.

    In the log, we have this error message :

    2017-11-29 14:42:41 +01:00 - Serious: Last process step request…

  • Integrating a Web Service call (script) in an approval workflow

    Hello community,


    I'm trying to create a custom approval workflow where there is a custom step with the approval procedure 'EX - Approvals to be made externally' and the event 'CREATEUSER'. After this, in Designer I created a process in the table PersonWantsOrg…

  • How to create a multi-valued and drop-down custom attribute on OIM

    Hi experts,

    I need to create a drop-down multi-choice custom attribute with a limited list of values that once all values has been selected, they has to be storage on a multi-valued custom attribute on "Person" database table. I created a custom multi…

  • Grid filter behaviour inconsistent web designer

    Hi, In web desiner i have created a grid in which having five columns. When i apply filter on a column e.g City, then it is showing the filter result but when navigate to second page. Filter goes off and showing all results. Whereas it is working fine…
  • Initial domain sync fails for DC in untrusted domain



    Ok so I have AD sync working fine from our integrated domain, but when adding a domain where there is no trust, I am having issues getting the sync to work.

    Couple of notes:

    • I am able to configure the connection in the Sync editor and browse the…
  • Converting directly assigned resources to indirectly assigned resources

    We have a class of Employee that is assigned a business role that has no resources allocated but on occasion this Employee requests and is granted through an Exception policy access to our systems. Currently we have been manually assigning these necessary…

  • Issue saving DGE service account in manager 7.1.2

    Hey Folks,

    So I have installed the DGE bits and configured my AD Accounts as the data governance administrators. The Data Governance views in manager render the managed hosts as expected. 


    The next step however (keep me honest here) is to add the service…

  • Sync engine: sync a target attribute with DN lookup from source: Samaccountname

    Hi. I'm looking to set up an update activity in Sync Engine that does the following:

    Source record: SQL database entry, containing a computer name and an owner SAMAccountName 

    Target: mapped computer object in AD:

    Forward sync rule: Find the DN of the…