• Getting error while importing OOTB processes through Database transporter


    I am getting error "Write permission denied for value UID_Job" when I am importing OOTB process of One IM from difeferent environment. I had modified those processes and database transporter works absolutely fine when I import custom process. Please…

  • How to show custom column in web portal?


    I am using version 8.0 and want to show custom column of Person table in web portal. I checked below post


    but could not understand…

  • How to Trigger a custom task if any changes happened in any attribute of Person Table

    I have requirement as when any attribute of user updated in person Table via feed file ,i need to trigger custom script in One idm. How can i Achieve this.Please provide a solution.

  • How to prepopulate the ITshop dynamic request property field?


    In my scenario, I am sending a mail to user asking to raise a request and passing the link of ITshop request to the user in the mail itself. Now, there are two fields in ITshop request. I want to prepopulate one of the fields and its value will be…

  • How to change the visibility of Operation Support web portal?


    I have installed Operation support web portal and can see JobQueue and DBQueue status there. Even, I can start and stop JobQueue and DBQueue. I don't want user to see all this. Only he should be able to generate passcode for users. Is it possible…

  • How the password can be reset through ITshop request?


    I want to enable the user (we can assume it as support person) to reset the password of other users. I am trying to create a request property where in support person will select the user and then he will pass the password. But how can I have Password…

  • Getting error "Object reference not set to an instance of an object" in AD synchroniization


    I am getting error when I run synchronization of AD. Below is the error detail. Please suggest how can this be resolved

    (2018-06-04 10:43:50.097) Error saving iamcoelab: [810103] Error generating processes for event PostSync.
    [810222] Error executing…

  • Getting error "Error loading Authentication module ComponentAuthenticator" in AD provisioning as well as synchronization


    I am getting mentioned error when I run synchronization and provisioning for AD. It used to work till now and all of a sudden I got this error. What might have caused this issue to occur? Please suggest how this can be resolved.

  • Error during execution of 'OnInitialize' in logic module 'EX0.Customizer.EX0Mailbox'. Version string portion was too short or too long.

    Suddently when we open the mailbox object from LIAM we are getting this above error "Error during execution of 'OnInitialize' in logic module 'EX0.Customizer.EX0Mailbox'.
    Version string portion was too short or too long." 


  • Selecting a reference user to copy its products assigned does not show all the assigned products of the user


    When I am trying to raise a request using "select reference user", it is not showing all the requested and assigned products of this user. What might be the cause for this? Please help

  • Process step in DPR_ProjectionStartInfo_Run_Synchronization is showing that there is error even if no error is found


    I have set configuration parameter JobHistory as "Error" so that whenever error occurs error is logged in JobHistory table. So, the process step "Reset LastStart on error" in synchronization process shows its execution status as…

  • Getting error "Write permission denied for value TSRemoteInteractWithSession" while running Active directory synchronization


    I am getting the mentioned error while running synchronization for importing data from Active Directory to One IM. In my environment, active directory is in different domain that One IM. Please suggest.

  • while ADSAccount Update we are getting an error like "A constraint violation occurred ".How can i solve this.

    while updating ADSAccount for user ,it showing an error like this


    A constraint violation occurred.

    Object not committed successfully. Retrying using single property commit.
    Property accountExpires should be set.
    Property company should be set.

  • How to apply a attribute Template to all user

    we have created a custom script for creating an attribute in person object. But later we have modified the script ,and i need to apply this script for entire users in One idm.

    How can i do that .Is there any dedicated task for that.Otherwise i need to…

  • EmailAddress should not change even if Firstname and LastName are changed


    My issue is when user changes his firstname and lastname, defaultemailaddress is getting changed. I removed overwrite checkbox and added 

    If Not $[Isloaded]:Bool$ Then

    'my code to generate emailaddress

    End If

    as suggested in below link


  • How to create dependent dropdown column for ITshop request


    I have 2 parameters in my request properties and both will be drop downs. One for UID_Person and one for UID_AERole. I want that user will select UID_Person first and then accordingly UID_AERole should be displayed. Meaning, I want user to select…

  • How to make attestation as a self service feature


    I want to attestation to be made as self service so that manager can run attestation on the objects. Right now, attestation runs on schedule basis or can be ran from backend (Manager) but I want to make this feature available in front end as well.…

  • Can requester, recipient and approver change input parameters once the request is raised?


    I checked in the ITshop and understood that it is not possible to change input parameters of the request once the request is raised. But is it possible to customize this functionality so that requester, recipient can change input parameters of the…

  • Is there any option to show frequently raised requests in ITshop to the user?


    I want the user to see frequently raised requests for his role so that it is easy for the user to select that request and raise it for himself. Is it possible to implement this functionality?

  • Default AD groups are not assigning automatically to user according to their location

    i have configured an AD group and assigned  this group to a particular location .So when  new user created ,then according to their location they will get that AD group.But previously it  worked fine.but now it is not working properly.I can see some users…

  • issue in Synchronization log

    we have a  situation like ,a user available in AD and but user not available in DELL one idm ADSAccount.So in synchronization log i could an error like " error during execution of "setValues" in logic module VI.DB.Entities.EntityScriptLogic .conversion…

  • Why Outstandings AD objects are created in Dell one.What is the cause for creating object.

    we are using Dell one Idm and we have AD target.When i go to Manager tool->target synchronization;Active directory ,i can see many user and their AD groups .Why these user listed as Outstanding object.

    These user are member of respectice AD groups…

  • Unable to update user data in active directory.

    I am trying to update user data in AD. It runs the process ADS_ADSAccount_Update/(De-)activate but this process is throwing some error. Below is the screenshot of the error which I am getting when I manually update the data in ADSAccount table. I am unable…

  • How can I have dynamic request properties in the request?



    I have a requirement to show dynamic values in dropdown in the request. Use case is to show disabled users in the dropdown who were reporting to the logged in user. Can someone please suggest how this can be achieved? Thanks in advance.

  • Getting error "This employee is not authorized to make approvals"in "MakeDecision" method.



    my use case has approval workflow as below

    1. It is one level approval and has two approval steps.

    a. first step is "BS": back to requester

    b. second is "EX": external approval. External approval calls custom process and this custom process…