• How to check the name of the column which is updated?


    I want to add a trigger on update process of Person table where I need to read the name of the column which got updated. I am able to check the date when the record was updated and the user who updated it but unable to check the column which was updated…

  • invalid accounts increase

    we are using identity manager 7.1.2 version. In new user attestation, if a new user's registration was denied ,system would create an invalid account ID still.

    how could we delete these IDs if the request didn't get approved ?

    or,how could we…

  • where to optimize the search index in ITSHOP?

    when I use the search function in ITSHOP (search a Chinese name ,to check whether a specified people raised a request in IT shop), I put the name in search box, clicked "search".it didn't happen anything .actually I found the name's record in the bottom…

  • What is the difference between One Idm Active directory version vs Normal version vs Governance version.

    What is the difference between One Idm Active directory version vs Normal version vs Governance version. In all version having all the features.What the feature wise lacking of different versions and its advantage.

  • where to check the attestation status for user self-register? Identity manager 7.1.2

     A user self-register triggered a new user attestation , where can check the attestation workflow status for the new user ?Only IT can help check the status for him ?or any other way to check by himself ?

    Please help ........Thanks a ton !!

  • How to check user level audit events in web portal


    I observed that manager can see History of his subordinate. But only memberships and entitlements are visible on that page. Is it possible to show password history event as on it? Or is there any other way to show password history event of the subordinate…

  • How to encrypt a column via process

    Hi, we have one custom column created with schema extension and it needs encrypted value. When I am passing value from front end i.e ITshop, it is storing this value in plain text. I tried using "encrypted" option in parameter but its not working. How…

  • How to get value which has type "Double" and the value has 2 or 3 digits after decimal from a database?


    I am using COnnection.GetSingleProperty to read the value of "RiskIndex" from "AERole" table and the risk index is "0.01". Connection.GetSingleProperty as Double returns 0 instead of 0.01. How to handle this?

  • Custom column always showing a default value but

    Hi All,

    A Custom column always showing a default value for all objects in object browser and manager tool whereas in sql query showing correct values for that column.

    Please help to fix this issue and what could be the possible reason for that.


  • Changing the default shelf where Ad groups are auto-published

    Hello experts,


    We would like to publish our AD Groups in another shelf different from the default one. Version 7.1.2.


    We have tried to edit the script “ADS_AssignADSGroupsToITShop” which, as far as we know, contains the instruction to publish it in…

  • Got no DNS resolution querying gc._msdcs.RooTDOMAIN.COM.

    Hey All,

    We have run in to this issue and can't seem to find any support.  We are able to create groups, create users from OneIM to AD but when we try to provision group memberships for users, it returns an error 

    2018-07-23 00:37:54.6515 INFO (ObjectLog…

  • Job server is not processing anything


    We have configured job server remotely and updated jobservice.cfg file. And we added the entry of job server in Designer. Service of this job server is running properly but jobs are not getting executed by this job server. We restarted the service…

  • Getting "Write permission denied for value "Import data source"" while syncing data from AD


    When we are running synchronization in the direction of One IM, users are getting created in ADSAccount table but we are getting above error in postsync "ADS_ADSDomain_SearchandCreate_Person_PostSync" process. We have admin rights on database. Please…

  • "[System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception] The network path was not found" Error in Job service logs


    We have configured 2 job servers local and remote. Local job server connects to DB directly whereas Remote job server connects to DB via App server. We have added "SQL processing Server" function to Remote job server and it is able to process sql…

  • "Key not valid for use in specified state" error when logging in to Application Server

    We have installed One IM version 8.0 and Application Server as well. We have encrypted database. But getting below error when we try to login to App server. 

    "System.Security.Cryptography.CryptographicException: Key not valid for use in specified state…

  • How to configure loadbalancer for Application Server


    We have configured loadbalancer for web portal. But not sure, how can we have same functionality of load balancing for Application Server. We are trying to install Application Sever on two servers with their dedicated IIS and Application Pools. It…

  • DBQueue hangs when we run native database sync


    We have loaded 100 users in one of the databases and started native database sync so that users get created in One IM DB. But, DBqueue does not process anything and gets stuck. We have enabled trace flag 2453 still no improvement. One more observation…

  • Custom rule for Password Policy in V8.0.1


    I've got a specific rule I would like to implement in one of my Password Policies.

    So far, I generate a random password 2 caracter long with one lowercase caracter and one numeric caracter ; xy. I would like the final result to be xxxxyyyy…

  • How to improve DB performance? Can we add index on DB?


    We have 55k users in One IM for which we are trying to provision AD accounts for these users. We have increased DB capacity to 16CPU/64GB and enabled the trace flag as well. And the staging level of DB is set to "Production". Still, the performance…

  • What does HelperAttestationPolicy store?


    There are thousands of entries pending in DBQueue for "fill attestation rule auxiliary tables". And it is taking too much time to execute it. I checked that HelperAttestationPolicy table is getting filled. Is it a one time job or does it happen on…

  • How the passcode is hashed and stored in Person table?


    We have used "CreatePasscode" method in the process to create passcode for user and trying to store that passcode in Person table. But, it needs hash value of this passcode. Is there OOTB script that can be called for this functionality? Version we…

  • Events not getting triggered for assigning account definition to a user


    I want to assign account definition (account definition is created to provision account in AD) to a user but when I assign account definition directly to a user, only one DBQueue process is coming up in Job queue info and not the processes which follows…

  • Events not getting triggered for assigning account definition to a user


    I want to assign account definition (account definition is created to provision account in AD) to a user but when I assign account definition directly to a user, only one DBQueue process is coming up in Job queue info and not the processes which follows…

  • Variables of the Target System through Schemas

    Hello all,

    We would like to ask if there is any way to pass a variable through schemas of the same target system in Synchronization Editor. Let's say that we want to synchronize Identities from SAP from 1 schema but we need a property to know if that…

  • Getting error while importing rules through database transporter


    I am getting error "The rule violation is already assigned to a rule" when I am trying to import rules through database transporter. I am using version 8.0 and method used to export was "transport of favorite objects". Please help…