• Error occurs when job service is running behind load balancer


    I have installed job server and provided application server connection instead of database connection in config file. And application server is installed behind load balancer. Job service runs for sometime properly and after sometime it throws error…

  • unable to login to Password Reset Portal using "Active Directory" authentication module


    I am trying to login to Password Reset web portal using "Active Directioy" (tried all combination of AD authentication modules) authentication module but in some cases it is throwing error user cannot be determined and for Active Directory (manual…

  • Can One Identity manager be integrated with AWS cloud HSM for encryption/decryption of database


    Can One Identity manager be integrated with AWS cloud HSM for encryption/decryption of database? If yes, how to integrate it? Is there any documentation available? Thank you.

  • User is not getting deleted from Person table even if deffered deletion is 0


    I am trying to delete the user in One IM and even from all the targets. So, I set, IsInActive = "True" and deffered deletion is "0". In this case, user accounts are getting deleted in targets but not in one IM i.e the user is still there in Person…

  • Existing processes while DB compiling


    What will happen if we use the Emergency Stop in JobQueue to stop the processes before DB compiling?

    Can they all be re-initiated?

  • Not getting any output using python, but using Postman i am getting the output

    Calling a Dell one web service,

    Using POSTMAN, first i used POST to get the session ID, second GET to get the output response.


    1) POST:

    import requests
    url = "">192.168.**.*/.../apphost"
    payload = "{\"authString\":\"Module…
  • Timezone of the OIM Web Portal

    Dear Community,

    can someone tell me how the timezone of a user session is determined?

    I have the problem that columns template is not calculating correct values if the trigger comes from a change made in the web portal.

    If the same person makes that change…

  • Assigning UNSGroupB to another UNSGroupB doesnt inherit memberships?

    Hi, In 1IM 7, I want to establish a dependency between two UNSGroupb objects so if a user gets one, it should implicitly get the other one as well.

    I have added this relationship by assigning one UNSGroupB to the other, but it does not affect the memberships…

  • Schema extension of AccProductParameter in Manager UI

    We did a schema extension on the table AccProductParameter, column CCC_IsPassword, which basically controls the way how the field appears on the web, bullets or not.

    Unfortunately it's not automatically showing up in Manager UI where we set up the properties…

  • What all permissions are required to display custom columns in custom table in web portal?


    I want to display custom table columns in web portal. I tried adding various permission group and role based permission group to the table but its not working. Please suggest how to achieve this. Thank you.

  • Whetehr Person object can handle two AD object simultaneouslydel

    I have a Person Object .We have created a manual AD account at one domain and connected to this account.

    But we have automatically configured account definition and Resource.According to user location ,this means it has to create AD in Different domain…

  • Serice Catalog not avilable in User Portal

    We have imported few Service Catalog .But some  of them are not visible via "Service Catalog ->Request New ".

    But in Manger tool ,i can see all of them under "IT_Shop -> Service Catalog -> Hierarchial view" .But among them ,only some them…

  • How to add title on Admin tools login page?


    We are trying to integrate CA PAM with One Identity Manager 8.0 Administrative tools for which we need to have title on login page of the tools. Is there a way we can achieve this?

  • what are important service needs to run in order to make One IDM upservi

    We have monitoring team to check important service in one idm ,in order to find sudden failure in One Idm End.

    Could you please tell me what are important service in One Idm App server,Web Server ,Sql Database server in order to make One Idm running fine…

  • Update query via Object Browser not getting provisioned to ADobjquer

    I have update some user attribute in ADSAccount via Object Browser query.But it is not triggering the provisioning workflow.But if i edit the user via Manger tool,it is triggering the provision workflow to update the attribute in AD.

    Could you please…

  • Identity Manager Version 6.1.3: Set-Up a further AD-Domain failed


    I got this error message:

    ErrorMessages = Creating provider object using VI.JobService.NSProvider.ADSProvider,ADSProvider successful.
    The connection mode of the provider was set to Default.
    Definition rule for object properties and relation memberships…

  • How to see more detilas in pending DBQueue process


    Is there any way to find more details on DBQueue. In pending DBQueue  i could see "Active Directory Group Assignments" task is pending for long time.How can i see that which AD group is pending a,d for which user it is pending .

    Is there…

  • How ro Re-Provios n the AD Accoiuntad

    I have an AD account and it was provisioned to AD .But somebody deleted the AD account in Target.So i need to push this account again to Target AD.

    Is there any way to push/Provision this account again into Target. Please help me...

  • Unable to raise ITshop request using CreateItshopOrder method


    We are trying to raise ITshop request using CreateITshopOrder method for ITshopOrgHasQERReuse object. We are trying to execute this method in Object browser but it is throwing below error

    "Assignment requests are not allowed for the given product…

  • Unable to redirect to web portal when it is deployed behind load balancer and "openid" authentication module


    We have two web portals on 2 servers which is deployed behind load balancer. Load balancer used is AWS CLB and sticky session is also configured on CLB. Authentication module used for web portal is openid role based and for openid we have configured…

  • Tracking number

    Version: IDENTITY MANAGER 7.1.2

    question: can we make every request has an unique number as ticket number for tracking ? Thanks.

  • How to create custom help pages in web designer for web portal?


    we tried to export the OOTB help page to update the logo. After updating it externally we again imported it and published it but it didnt work. How can we create/update the pages? we referred below link


  • Unable to establish WCF connection in Web Designer where Web Portal is hosted on LB.

    We have our Web Portal on  Load Balancer and we are unable to establish WCF connection  in Web Designer. Please suggest how we can establish the connection.

  • Unable to create AD project via Synchronization Editor

    Hi Experts,

    I am trying to create AD project via sync editor. But when I provide the AD details and try to save the project ("commit to database"), it gets hanged. Please help.

  • Very Large HistoryDB Transaction Log

    Recently, we re-enabled the HistoryDB after the client had been disabled for some time. Once we reenable, we noticed the HistoryDB’s transaction log grew very large very fast until it ran we out of space the drive.  So we decided to review the history…