• ADS_ADSDomain_Maintain_OtherSID frozen "Write permission denied for value Canonical Name"

    Hi all,

    We installed an OIM environment with multiple AD-Domains.

    three of these Domains are connected using an AppServer for SQL Connection and one is configured to connect to the Database directly.

    The sync with the "local" domain (direct Database…

  • next steps in the process are being executed even if the step is marked as stop on error

    Hi All,

    In one of the custom process we have a script execution step on which "Stop on Error" is checked. But we are observing that the next steps below the frozen process step are being executed. 

    Ideally, the process should stop on error when…

  • Log Frozen Job to Windows Eventlog without 'Send Mail'

    Hi all,

    We are currently logging our frozen jobs to the Windows event log. This is important for us, because we have set up a monitor on it, which generates an ITSM ticket in case of frozen jobs.

    To execute the process step 'Log to Eventlog', the process…