• API server on Docker doesn't accept incoming requests

    Hello One Identity Forum,

    We are attempting to deploy One Identity on linux-based Docker containers (running on Azure). We initially wanted to deploy the `app`, `api`, `job` and `dbagent` containers, but are struggling with the `api` container.

    We deploy…

  • Why is SFTP required for the Unix Connector?

    I am trying to integrate a new RHEL 8 server into our OID environment.  The application that will be hosted on it requires SSH access but does not use SFTP, and so in a previous security audit, this was flagged as an unnecessary service.  As such, our standard…

  • 32-bit AccountUIDs in UNXAccount not supported

    Most modern Linux distributions allow for 32-bit UIDs, which places the maximum at just shy of 4.3 billion, or 10 digits in length.  Currently I'm trying to setup a connector between OID 8.1.1 and RHEL 8.  Our company uses the 2,000,000 to 6,000,000…

  • Unix Connector Error: Could not open SUGI session for 192.168.X.X

    In our environment we have multiple different Unix environments that we need to connect to.  Up until now, everything has been running smoothly.  Given the recent release of Ubuntu 20.04.1 LTS and its use of kernel 5, I decided to take if for a spin.  When…

  • Synchronization Editor hangs on Powershell connector simulation

    I'm trying to manage a Linux host from One Identity via the Powershell connector (the Unix connector doesn't have the features we need and support said their is no way to change that, thus powershell).  I've created my definition file and setup…

  • VAS - /etc/init.d/vasd - vasd.service - xdm - systemd - wait initial network connection


    i've no idea if this is considered a problem or is an issue in other OS versions or configuration types.
    Just some tips if someone has had the same problem.

    On our enterprise Suse SLED12 clients i've noticed that vasd daemon is getting started…

  • RE: can we provision users to linux meachines

    Starting with Version 7.0.1 you can use the Unix module (includes a connector) to do that.