• OAuth PowerShell One Identity App server call

    Can someone validate my thinking here?

    If I wanted to make Application server calls after obtaining a token from Azure, I should be able to use this PowerShell function, right?

    <# Code disclaimer - Do not trust this. If you don't understand what I wrote…

  • Not able to Authenticate using Access token(in authentication header) for authentication to API server

    With the implementation of the API server, we want to expose our One Identity Manager capabilities via API's within our organization. In our test setup we successfully managed to authenticate to the authentication API using the oauthrolebased api, and…

  • Not able to Authenticate using Access token(in authentication header) for authentication to API server

    With the implementation of the API server, we want to expose our One Identity Manager capabilities via API's within our organization. In our test setup we successfully managed to authenticate to the authentication API using the oauthrolebased api, and…

  • Connecting Azure Service Principal with OpenID with API Server not AppServer

    I am currently working on integrating my Azure App with an external API Server using OAuth and have successfully established a user-based connection to the web portal. However, my objective now is to enable service-to-service communication, allowing the…

  • OAUTH 2.0 does not work

    I'm trying to integrate the Identity Manager Web Portal with Microsoft Azure using OAuth 2.0. Basically when opening the web portal the user will be directed to the Azure login screen and when logging in the user will return to the web portal page…

  • Additional Parameter in 'OAuth 2.0/OpenID Connect' Request - Authentication Context Class Reference (acr)

    Hello community,

    We already use 'OAuth 2.0/OpenID Connect' to log in to our OIM-Backend-Tools (Manager, Designer, ....).

    Now we want to make Strong Authentication mandatory (Yubikeky+PIN) and prevent login with username+password.

    For this we have…

  • Use History DB with 'OAuth 2.0/OpenID Connect'

    Hello community,

    We already use 'OAuth 2.0/OpenID Connect' to log in to our OIM-Backend-Tools (Manager, Designer, ....).

    Now we want to also use that authentication method with our History Database, but: 

    1. prerequisite for 'OAuth 2.0/OpenID…