• JobHistory records not moving to HDB V9.0 LTS

    We have setup History DB V9 and trying out the data transfer. We could see the transfer for Dialogwatchoperation and DialogWatchProperty tables but for JobHistory table there is no data being moved.

    The configuration parameter values for the Jobhistory…

  • History DB transfer for Job History data

    We have recently set up the History DB V9 and testing the data transfer. When we ran the export job, the data for WatchProperty tables and ProcessInfo has moved but the data for Job History table hasn't moved.

    The configuration parameters value is…

  • Version Rollback

    Is it possible to rollback OneIM version from 9.0 to 8.2?

    Context - We are planning to do version rollback as our OneIM version upgrade failed. Most of our sync projects are not getting migrated 

    We have been getting Gateway timeout error on all the sync…