• Accproduct HyperView Display on Web Designer

    Hello Experts,
    I want service item hyperview displayed on UI something similar to Manager view .Please help with Configuration steps or changes to be done to Hyperview components/modules.


  • MatchPatternMemberShip,

    I am having requirement to define the Azure AD group to get added for Standard and Cloud admin. I do not see any reference number in MPFM for this requirement. Do we have any link to see category and reference number

  • Web Designer - Upload File node - Load content to local collection

    Hi experts,

    I am a bit stuck on the component mentioned in the subject.
    In short, my goal is to create a web function where the contents of a .csv file can be uploaded to a local collection and then processed using a custom script.

    My problem at the moment…

  • ITShopCart - check for duplicates for QERReuse and QERReuseUS


    when ordering standard products (roles, groups etc), there's customizer check if there are duplicates in shopping cart. For obvious reasons it doesn't check for duplicates when ordering Multirequest resources. Is there any way to enforce duplicate…

  • How to create custom collection?


    When I try to create a custom Collection I receive the following error:

    "Object not set to an instance of an object"

    I need the custom collection to link it to an Autocomplete Textbox.

    How do I create a collection?

    I haven't found any guide…

  • Add Autocomplete Textbox on web portal


    We try to add an Autocomplete Textbox on the web portal through the Web Designer.

    We want to add this textbox in the organizationl data - Field to add a new parameter when a new user is created.

    How can I link a custom table with all the value that…

  • How to Create a Mask for SNN or National Identity Card ?

    Hello, I have a situation to register users on the portal, in "include a new employee", in a certain field we have the option "CPF", which would be a national identification document of a citizen, equivalent to the SNN or Carteira Nacional de American…

  • User creation in web designer

    I am facing for the first time the Web Designer Tool. I need to configure the system so that only external users can be created from the Web Portal.
    I made the field IsExternal read-only in the VI_Edit_Employee, but the field isExternal isn't flagged…

  • Hidden field in the web portal product details

    Hi everyone,

    I've configured the web portal to show the description of an item when you are on the catalogue. I've added the column and inserted the query to get the data from the product but it has a strange behavior, the field is not shown when…

  • Web Designer. How to concatenate text from multiple rows of collection into a single property ShoppingCartItem?


    1IM 8.1.2. 

    I filled custom collection values and I need concatenate text from multiple rows of the collection into a single property ShoppingCartItem.

    For example 

    Custom collection:







  • Fetch Todays System date In Web Designer. By Default.

    Hi Everyone,

    We have a requirement while creating a new contractor manually from the IT shop, Joining Date should be automatically populated as the current date,
    so that users cannot select the previous date, and in the case of leaving date, past dates…

  • Web Designer. VI_Common_PropertyEditor. Show Caption for Property


    1IM 8.1 SP2 In web Designer in ComponentInterface I added Property to Table ShoppingCartItem.

    I try use compoonent VI_Common_PropertyEditor for show properties ShoppingCartItem but for my added properties not showing Caption.

    How I can show captions…

  • Display delegated manager in WebPortal


    I'm trying to customize the Person-overview page (VI_Common_ObjectSheet) in the webportal to show the manager currently responsible for the displayed user. I get the desired manager with the following SQL, but I don't know how to get this to work…

  • Web page session time out warning popup, with option to extend the session


    Is there any OTB feature in One IDM for session time out option on web UI, also on the same pop-up to extend/reactive the session with out loosing the data.

    Any leads how this can be achieved.


  • Webdesigner edit table


    OneIM 8.1

    I created a module. 

    In the module I put grid in container. 

    Data to grid load from collection (Person table for example).

    I need create and edit (First name and Last name) Employee in Person from the module.

    I can only edit fields from…

  • IT Shop Requests and Delegation for Managers that are either OOO or on leave

    Hello All,

    I have a couple of questions i was hoping to get some ideas/recommendations on.  We are using OneIM 8.0.1.  I am part of the IT Shop Administrator also a member of the Chief Approval Team.  What i am trying to solve for now is if we have a manager…

  • WebDesigner - Timer node


    I have a problem with 'Timer' node using. Here is my Web Designer project:

    Timer parameters: timeout in milliseconds - "5000", loop condition - "1=1" (also I have tried "true", "exists(...) " etc), Run asynchronously - unchecked, Execute…

  • Overview not showing ADSAccount in v8.1 web portal


    I just upgraded to 8.1 and now the ADSAccount is not showing in the Overview on the web portal.

    In version 7.x when going to the Person you can check the overview and the ADSAccount was there now it is gone.

    Can anyone tell me how to activate the…

  • Active Directory Provisionning

    Hello Everyone, 

    Thanks in advance for your answers.

    I have a problem with the AD Provisionning (Target Synchronization).

    I don't know how to create a kind of CheckBox on "Create User Account" Form via Manager Application (also via Web Portal…

  • [WebDesigner] Limit the items available in a filter pop-up in a Grid


    We're using simple Grids to display data to our user. These grids' columns are defined using a "Property list" parameter, and some of these columns are FK, for example to Localities or Departments.

    When opening the filtering…

  • Web Designer - Collection with data from multiple tables

    Wanting to create a collection that will hold data from multiple tables.  Saw the following type of collection "Database objects from multiple tables", but was not sure how to use it.  Can anyone enlighten?  We are using version 7.1.2.