• INSERT Event Trigger Not Firing When Inserting via Script

    Hi everyone,

    Has anyone managed event triggers following an insert operation via script into a table?
    The issue is that when inserting an object into any table through a script, the INSERT event is not triggered. This happens because the operation is done…

  • Script optional parameters in process step


    i have the following script which has optional parameters:

    Sub CCC_RunQBMLimitedSQL(
    statementNameOrUID As String,
    Optional ByVal parameter1Name As String = Nothing,
    Optional ByVal parameter1Value As Object = Nothing,
    Optional ByVal parameter2Name…

  • Calling API Script results in HTTP 200 with custom success message, but no new object is created

    Hi there,

    we have a problem while calling a script via rest api.

    Following is configured:

    - a new api systemuser ist created

    - the api systemuser is assigned to a permissions group

    - the permissions group...

    ...has view and insert rights on ADSGroup

  • Script for pwd gen and putting value into ADSAccount UserPassword field


    I've created a script to generate the password taking the xobjectkey as input and returning the password.

    Here's my script:

    Public Function CCC_Generate_Password_AD(ByVal accountXobjectKey As String) As String
    Dim entity As IEntity = Session…

  • Mail notification for bulk accounts expiration

    Hello everyone,

    I'm looking to set up a monthly email notification system for managers, informing them about users whose accounts are set to expire in the upcoming month.

    Currently, I have a process in place for individual email notifications, with…

  • Contractor To permanent Employee

    Hi All,

    I have one scenario in which I have to write a code for  contractor who are getting promoted to employee in a company for this i have to check whether the Employee ID of the contractor and the newly created employee record  are same.

    If they are…

  • Update Script for a value column in Person Table

    I wanna add a modification to a script used for calculating the CCC_Direction value in the Person table. CCC_Direction corresponds to the Direction to which the person is attached calculated based on DepartmentName column in the Department table as shown…

  • One Identity Manager - Send Email On Deletion of PersonHasQERResource

    I need to send a email when a QERResource assignment is deleted. So I made a email template using PersonHasQERResource and my first thought was to assign it to a custom process for PersonHasQERResource on the Delete event. However, its deleted before this…

  • How update customer logo in existing reports.

    In Q1IM version 8.0, how to update customer logo instead of existing 1IM logo and also how to update web browser title value?

  • 1IM 8.0 calling scripts with REST does not work

    Hi there,

    I try to make a CCC_someName script  run with REST. I can make a CCC_HelloWorld with 0 parameters run but not one with one or more input parameters.

    This is how it should work:

    And this is what I do:

    The logfile always tell me the number of…