• How Can I use GroupBy and OrdeBy in my Queries?

     I would like to use GroupBy or OrderBy with the following script, I searched about this but didn't find anything.

    Dim jobQr = Query.From(Table.Person).Select("PersonalTitle").Where("IsInActive = 0 and IsExternal = 0 and IdentityType = 'Primary'")…

  • I want to create an inventory of all the functions we have in our Scripts library


    We have a lot of Scripts in DialogScripts but inside these scripts there might be multiple functions that can be called.

    Is there a way SQL/Vb.net/Powershell to retrieve all the methods and parameters?

    I have access to the ScriptClass ( $scriptCl…

  • Vb Script Editor in V8.2.1 without Intellisense


    We have upgraded from v8.1.3 to v8.2.1 and since then we miss the IntelliSense function in VB.Script Editor.



    If I type String. , there is no picker that shows all methods of String…

  • List and description of auxiliary functions

    HI, I can not find any place where all auxiliary script functions are listed and described. I found that there are many useful and I do not have to write it by myself, ie. VID_GetValueOfTableByXObjectKey, VID_ISODate, VID_IsSMTPAddress and many, many…

  • Sytem.IO.FileLoadException in custom script after upgrade

    We recently upgraded OneIdentity to 8.1, and one of our custom scripts started failing with:

    System.IO.FileLoadException: Could not load file or assembly 'PhoneNumbers, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=cad7840cee602442' or one of its…

  • Invoking script in composition API


    what is the right approach to invoke a script that's stored in the database within the Composition API? Does the API Server has any similar method for invoking scripts as the App Server has?

    Best regards

  • Error generating process step Call Script VI_UnsAccount_


    I wrote script for add user to Oracle Database.

    I created process (Insert Event to UNSAccountB table) for create the user.

    When I create user in Manager, I got error:

    Got exception during generation of chain 'VI_UnsAccountB_Generic': Error generating…

  • Unexpected error is thrown in while compiling scripts


    I am getting unexpected error "Statement cannot be called within method body" in scripts. These scripts used to work before and suddenly stopped working and throws this error. Please suggest how to resolve it. 

  • Updateing DateTime Attribute with "HandleObjectComponent - Update"

    Dear Community,

    I needed to implement a process that sets a new "DateLastWorked" based on the ExitDate of a person.

    The new DateLastWorked must be set to the end of the day, based on ExitDate, i.e. 09.10.2018 23:59:00.000

    I chose the "HandleObjectComponent…

  • Build MasterData URL in Attestation - approval required Mail Template OIM 8.0.1

    Hey folks,

    So I have been customizing some mail templates and so far so good for the most part. My current focus is on a new joiner use case, in which I trigger an API call to the application server to insert a person. Thanks to the help of some fine folks…

  • Create a Deferred Event Generation Operation from a Script


    We are migrating a client from 6.1.2 to 7.1.1. In their 6.1.2 environment they have a script that creates deferred operations to generate an event for process generation using classes from the VI.DB.DeferredOperations namespace. Here is the code…

  • RE: Q1IM: Fullsync Flag not Recognized in Process Head Generating Condition


    try to change your code to:

    ' Set a connection variable

    Variables.Put("CSVImport", True)

    and change the test for the connection variable in the gen-condition to

    Not VID_IsTrue(Variables("FULLSYNC"))

    That should help.