• More control about auto generated swagger.json (OpenAPI specification)


    is it possible to have more control about the auto generated OpenAPI specification (swagger.json) that gets auto created by the composition API? E.g. to limit the specification to a subset of endpoints maintained in the swagger.json.

    Best reg…

  • Swagger-UI Message "Could not render ue, see the console"


    we are testing first queries for the API server with version 9.1.1.
    We were able to add our company logo to the new portal using the KB article.

    With the Swagger UI doc we want to create and test more queries - but in the Swagger UI we get the following…

  • Create system user for swagger API

    Hi everyone,

    We want create a system user to use the swagger API. This system user must be able to do only GET request on a specific table.

    To do this I add a permission group with read permission on that Table, but this user is not allowed to use Swagger…

  • Swagger API Documentation Failed to fetch

    Hi all,

    I'm trying to test the APIs in the Swagger API Documentation,

    and they all have the same response: TypeError: Failed to fetch.

    Anyone had the same kind of error?

    Any help would be much appreciated.
    Thank you in advance.

  • API Designer/swagger generation: Distinct description for every method

    I wonder if there's a way to tell the generation process to use a description per HTTP method, not (only) per endpoint


            .Handle<TestData>("PUT", (t, r) => { })

  • API-Designer: Duplicate operationIds in the swagger definition

    When we define API methods like

    builder.AddMethod(Method.Define("obj").HandleGet(qr => "list of objs"));
    builder.AddMethod(Method.Define("obj/{id}").WithParameter("id", isInQuery: false).HandleGet(qr => "single obj"));…