• custom process: no approver available for attestation


    If there is something that needs to be approved, but no approver is available, the system will abort the task with the reason "#LDS#Automatic system approval: No approver available.|".

    This is true for IT Shop requests and attestation cases…

  • Re-approval when change Valid Until


    Approval workflow has several steps. If the approver changes the value of attribute Valid Until, then request is sent for re-approval to all negotiation approval process.

    How to make that request is not sent for re-approval?

  • Attestation Approval Workflow with AutoDecision

    Hi All

    We've the following use case while Role membership Attestation.

    For example all members of an ESet has to be re-certified. The ESet itself can be ordered from within the Shop and the ESets have Risklevel set. Depends on the Risklevel, the approval…

  • How to limit the approval of requests on the Web-portal

    So what we have:
    There is a multi-requested resource for IT-Shop
    There is a certain workflow for this resource.

    I expect that at the execution step, when you click on the reject button, a popup will appear.

    My logic is this: in the PWOHelperPWO…

  • Unable to configure new Group in IT Shop - OOB Request

    Hello Experts,

    we have run in to a little bit of a snag.  When users are requesting a new AD Group on IT Shop they are picking the OOB option "Create New Group".  When their manager receives the request, they cannot approve it... they can either…

  • Attestation Approval by E-mail Reply (Exchange Online)

    I located the following technical document regarding attestation by e-mail responses, however I'm curious to know if this is possible in environments that do not have on premise Exchange, but have Exchange Online that is synchronized to AD without Identity…

  • Approval By Mail through an O365 Mailbox

    Anyone know if it is possible to set up an O365 mailbox as the "Approval by Mail" inbox in v6.1? Is it possible in the latest version v7.1?


    Client is moving from on-premise Exchange to a hybrid between on-premise Exchange and O365.


    Thanks in…