• custom process: no approver available for attestation


    If there is something that needs to be approved, but no approver is available, the system will abort the task with the reason "#LDS#Automatic system approval: No approver available.|".

    This is true for IT Shop requests and attestation cases…

  • Where are requests that have not yet been approved saved?

    Hi there,

    I'm using One Identity Manager 8.2.0, and I would like to know in which table of the DB I can find the request that has yet to be approved, together with the UID of the Person that is in charge to approve them. Otherwise, it could be okay…

  • A "Recalculate approvers" task is stuck in DBQueue


    We have a "Recalculate approvers" task in DBQueue that stuck there for several days. Other tasks appears and disappears but this one is present in queue all the time with the same parameters. And the approvers does not looks recalculated.…

  • Attestation Approval by E-mail Reply (Exchange Online)

    I located the following technical document regarding attestation by e-mail responses, however I'm curious to know if this is possible in environments that do not have on premise Exchange, but have Exchange Online that is synchronized to AD without Identity…

  • How to find Attestors via a script

    I am creating a Membership Attestation for special AD Groups but the Owners (attestors) to those groups is not maintained in AD, it is maintained in ServiceNow.  So, it would be great if I could create a custom approval procedure that could use a script…

  • ITShop - Approval workflow - Calculated group of approvers


    I try to use the "CP - Calculated group of approvers" procedure.

    First I try to select the manager of the "UID_PersonOrdered" person with the condition below:

    select *

    from Person

    where UID_Person in


              select UID_PersonHead

              from Pe…