• INSERT Event Trigger Not Firing When Inserting via Script

    Hi everyone,

    Has anyone managed event triggers following an insert operation via script into a table?
    The issue is that when inserting an object into any table through a script, the INSERT event is not triggered. This happens because the operation is done…

  • How to monitor administrative modification

    Hi everyone,

    I want to monitor admnistrative changes made, for example when someone changes a Process, a template on a table or something else.

    I know that for the import of change label I can monitor this operation with "DialogTag" table, but I want…

  • [813020] Component cannot be executed because required parameter 'ConnectionString, ConnectionProvider' are missing.

    Hi All,

    In DEVELOPMENT environment we are not able to see parameters for many of the OOTB processes and seems like none of the OOTB processes are working.

    All process steps are red in color.

    OOTB process steps with script components are missing the values…

  • Error on consistency data

    Hi to all,

    I'm having a problem during the consistency, this is the error text the version is 8.0

    The compulsory fields for object 'CCC-T-EXPORTPLUS_IAM_SEDI - DES_SEDE' in table 'DialogColumn' are either empty or have too few characters.…

  • No cache information for tables on Designer

    Hello everyone,

    I have an issue with my user which I don't understand when I'm trying to start Designer tool.

    It tell me there is not cache information for tables stored in the database :

    It's weird because if I start the same tool with the account…

  • Custom Authentication Module


    I have following use case:

    * allow the employee authentication to api designer project

    * do not allow employee authentication anywhere else

    I am using Identity Manager version 8.1.4

    With current configuration of the authentication modules I…

  • SampleCustomizer on Table


    In the 'Desiner' in the 'Schema Editor' on the table in the 'Customizer' tab, you can assign your own classes (dll).
    I found an example of SampleCustomizer.cs that tells how to implement 'Customizer'.
    My question is…

  • Could not create a single object for table ADSAccount?

    Hi All,

    I have few process that run on ADSAccount table and whenever that gets run for creating a record in Active directory this process in job queue is being frozen and not successfully executed and the error it throws in "Could not create a single…

  • Not Able to delete Outstanding Object from AADUser because of O3EmailUser table object reference IM 8.0.2

    I have created a Process which calls method 'DeleteOutstanding'   for some selected objects of AADuser table which are having Xmarkedfordeletion=2 (Outstanding).

    These objects also have a reference in O3EmailUser table. Not sure why but system throws…

  • Read Only permission group

    Hi all,

    We have a requirement of providing read only access to certain tables and columns on the manager tool,

    so i searched for that and found that we can achieve this through permissions groups that need to be assigned to System user or application roles…

  • Cancel IT Shop Order are not working from the Script Component

    Dear All,

    We are trying to abort or Unsubscribe IT Shop orders for a given SAP Account. Attached my code, it is working fine when i test the script directly calling from Script Debugger but it is not working when we call same script with same attributes…

  • PWO Status Assigned but not applied yet in Web Poral

    Dear All,

    As i remember in Version 6 there is a status saying product is "Assigned but not applied yet" in the Target system. In our scenario (version 8), we are requesting for new SAP Roles using the portal. The status changed to Assigned immediately…

  • Implementing One Identity Defender to Identity Manager

    Hello everybody,

    I am trying to implement two-factor authentication by using One Identity Defender to ITShop and AppServer portals and then later to Manager and Designer apps. 

    For the web portals, I tried using the ISAPI Agent that One Identity provides…

  • How to add the error/exception thrown by the process step in the table?



    I am trying to add the error thrown by the process in the custom table. I checked notification on error and understood that we use "[AdditionalMessage]" parameter to read exception thrown. But how can I add this exception in table? Please help…

  • How to create single DB object of the table which has two primary keys

    I am trying to create a single DB object of the table "PersonHasQERResource" as I want to update the custom attributes in the table for 1 record. How should I create the DB object in this case? Please help

  • Define search criteria for employee assignment

    Hi, I have created a search mapping criteria like AdsAccount.EmployeeNumber -> Person.PreviousPersonnelNumber. Where PreviousPersonnelNumber is custom column which is multivalue column. The above matching search criteria getting failed cause it is not…
  • Scheduled task not running


    A scheduled report has stopped running. It is scheduled to run on the 1st day of the month to email report of all new users. It last ran successfully on Dec 1 2016. It is enabled and set to run on a monthly basis with 1 as the frequency at 9 UTC.