• How to sync a single object which is only available in Target system

    Hi All,

    I am trying to design the below:

    OneIM creates on-prem AD and clients internal AAD connect creates AzureAD.

    For assigning licenses in OneIM, we need to sync that single AzureAD account.

    Running full sync every time is not an ideal solution…

  • Contractor To permanent Employee

    Hi All,

    I have one scenario in which I have to write a code for  contractor who are getting promoted to employee in a company for this i have to check whether the Employee ID of the contractor and the newly created employee record  are same.

    If they are…

  • Unable to insert record in PersonWantsOrg table via. a custom script

    Hi All,

    Our Dell one identity current version is 7.1.3.

    I have a sync process that pulls data from anther database to one identity database. During this it inserts a records in PersonWantsOrg table. unfortunately, it is failing to insert a record and…

  • Not Able to delete Outstanding Object from AADUser because of O3EmailUser table object reference IM 8.0.2

    I have created a Process which calls method 'DeleteOutstanding'   for some selected objects of AADuser table which are having Xmarkedfordeletion=2 (Outstanding).

    These objects also have a reference in O3EmailUser table. Not sure why but system throws…