• Additional installation of modules for LTS version

    We use version 9.0 LTS CU2
    Now further applications are to be introduced in our company, which will make it necessary to install additional modules in the One Identity
    Manager, such as AAD.
    Following the KB article (https://support.oneidentity.com/kb/4314970…

  • Delete SPS*-Module - Did you delete a module at past?

    Hi Identity Manger Community, 

    we use Microsoft 365 as a callobaration tool, including Teams, SharePoint Online, etc. Therefore, I would like to uninstall the SharePoint On-Prem module as we no longer use this system. I have found an article: Identity…

  • How can I login IAM Modules with an user who has a specific Active Directory Security Group?


    I tried to use "Active Directory  User Account (manuel input)" Method and users can login Modules successfully with their AD accounts. But our customer asked me that how can we control the users' permissions? We don't want every AD users can…

  • Version 7.1.5 Error after Upgrade (Modules), DB queue not processing

    Hi ,

    I added AAD and Exchange online modules on my existing One ID environment.
    So while upgrading the DB, I got the below issue and then ran the below commands.


  • New module in Web Designer


     I have reviewed the Web Designer documentation and searched the user forum without success. I created a new module in my project, and added a tab to the menu. How now to create sub-tabs in the menu item and where in my project (I mean the path to…

  • How to add new Module title to the breadcrumb bar?

    Hi everyone!

    i just created a new Module which can be called through the User menu and I realized that the title is not set under the Breadcrumb Bar (and also not visible in the Browser Tab title).

    So: < Start > ______________

    I couldn´t find how…

  • Enabling and Disabling Modules

    Hello All


    How critical is it to disable a module after having done couple of tests with it?

    What is the better approach:

    - leave the module enabled

    - re-install the schema (we can easily do it because the environment is just installed and completely…