• What is the recommended size of custom box packaging for the display?

    Hi everyone, I'm starting out and need some advice. What is the recommended size for custom box packaging for display purposes? I want to ensure my products stand out effectively. Any suggestions or tips would be greatly appreciated!

  • Web Portal - Error 500 while saving the request properties for a service item

    I added a Condition (query) on a parameter of request property related to a specific service element. 
    When I create the request in Web Portal by proceeding to populate the properties, the first field becomes blank when we select the second field. Also…

  • ITShop - Helpdesk access and ticket state

    Hi all,

    I just wanted to know how you guys handling the IT Support/Helpdesk access to One-Identity requests.
    Base point of my Question is, that customers asking the IT Support Hotline "what's the state with my request" (even if they can see it by themself…

  • ITShop: Use single request reason for multiple items

    Hi all,

    for some Service Items, we mad the "request reason" mandatory. 

    When adding them to the cart, we get for each item a dialog to "Enter additional information about your request." So if you request 5 roles for 10 users, this dialog pops…

  • Error when approver change request on ITShop


    1IM v8.1

    On portal ITShop approver want change request and add second product. When click send the approver get error: 

    "An exception has occurred while executing the form method F0_ctl00_ControlRef8_ControlRef15_ControlRef15_ControlRef8b_Main_Main_Container6_Container7_Button4_Method…
  • IT Shop Requests and Delegation for Managers that are either OOO or on leave

    Hello All,

    I have a couple of questions i was hoping to get some ideas/recommendations on.  We are using OneIM 8.0.1.  I am part of the IT Shop Administrator also a member of the Chief Approval Team.  What i am trying to solve for now is if we have a manager…

  • Completed requests either do not show or show in Canceled Requests....

    Hello All,

    when a person requests something on IT Shop, if the request was approved and completed it doesn't show in Approved request under request history for that person... There are times it won't show those requests at all or they will end up in…

  • Unable to configure new Group in IT Shop - OOB Request

    Hello Experts,

    we have run in to a little bit of a snag.  When users are requesting a new AD Group on IT Shop they are picking the OOB option "Create New Group".  When their manager receives the request, they cannot approve it... they can either…

  • Can requester, recipient and approver change input parameters once the request is raised?


    I checked in the ITshop and understood that it is not possible to change input parameters of the request once the request is raised. But is it possible to customize this functionality so that requester, recipient can change input parameters of the…

  • Avoid abort a request when employee is no longer in the itshop

    Hello community,


    I know that when an employee is no longer a member of the IT Shop, all his requests are aborted (Orderstate = Aborted).

    The status "Aborted" is not understandable by the end user, so we implement a process that unsubscribe all the requests…

  • How are managed target system not directly provisioned when user is temporary disabled e permanently disabled?

    Hi all again,

    In my system I don't have direct provisioning for all target system. So I'd like to intercept the trigger that disabled all account connected to a Person when is temporary disabled and send unsubscribe for all products I have. There isn…

  • RE: ObjectKeyAssignment@PersonWantsOrg is not populated at time the request is approved (event: Granted)


    ObjectKeyAssignment is only filled if you are requesting something using an assignment resource. Maybe that's the reason why the property is not filled. What did you try to request?

  • RE: Create by script request for an UNSgroupB item


    the method "CreateITShopOrder" you are referring to allows you to convert already existing direct group memberships into requested group memberships. Therefore, the method is present at UNSAccountBinUNSGroupB objects and not at the UNSG…