• Block/reserve a IT Shop request


    We have a usecase to implement that a approver of a IT shop request can able to reserve/block the IT shop request so that other approvers cannot approve it until it is released by the approver who reserved it? It would be really helpful for us if…

  • Where are requests that have not yet been approved saved?

    Hi there,

    I'm using One Identity Manager 8.2.0, and I would like to know in which table of the DB I can find the request that has yet to be approved, together with the UID of the Person that is in charge to approve them. Otherwise, it could be okay…

  • Unsubscribe multiple subscriptions for multiple users and products

    I am trying to unsubscribe several subscriptions for multiple users and products. When i use method unsubscribe in the object browser, I can only do this one by one. When selecting more than one order, I get the error message "Request procedures: Write…

  • Web Portal: Requesting entitlement for a specific account.

    Hi everybody, 

    I'm using One Identity Manager ver. 8.1. 

    I'm trying to manage employees with more than one user Account on the same System (AD domain or SAP Client). I know that when an empoyee requests an entitlement, after approval it is assigned…