IT Shop Dependencies in the new web portal


I'm trying to solve the same problem as "">", but the new portal is giving me trouble and the flag is not resolving the issue. (Request configuration / Allow requests with missing dependencies)
Is there another configuration for the new portal?

The problem:

If user requests item x (system enteitelment) and they don't have item y (account def.), automatically request item y (account def.) as well.

If user requests item x and they already have item y(account def.), request only item x(system enteitelment).

I have tested the configuration on both web portal, the old one is resolving the error.

Can it be an Angular issue?
Are there other solutions to the problem?


Parents Reply Children
  • So i have done all the configuration explained on this issue, "". Set the dependencies as mandatory, if you request x you will get in the shopping cart also y. The first time is all good and i can get through with the request. Then, if i want another item, z, also with the mandatory dependencies with y.. i will get an error in the shopping cart.
    the error is "Check whether the product can be assigned to the recipient

    Error:The product "z" is already assigned to the recipient "my name"."

    I have seen that the flag on "Allow request with missing dependencies if missing products are already assigned" could help the issue, but in the new portal it is not.

    I hope i explained the issue. 
  • That explains why I wasn't able to reproduce it. I suggest contacting support.