• Translations does not comes into correct sort order

    Hello All,

    We are using oneIM 9.2 version and using Angular web portal.

    We have observed when we initiate to submit new request, service items does sort order does not come according to the visible name on the portal rather than it uses the Ident_AccProduct…

  • Previous Website Configurations Missing

    Over the weekend of the 7th through the 10th, we lost all of the customization on the website buttons, forms, etc. Everything went back to their default names and settings and we seemingly had to recreate everything manually. Is there any location to…

  • SAP force user to change password at first login

    Hi everyone,

    I am using One Identity Manager On Demand v. 9.2.

    Is there a way in which I can force the user to change password at first login after creating the SAP account? I see that there is a specific configuration parameter for Active Directory …

  • Attribute for populating Manager in SAP connector

    Hi All,

    We are using Identity manager version 9.0 version. We got a requirement from the client that we need to update the manager details in SAP. We are using SAP R/3 connector using Appserver connectivity and we got the BAPI transport package installed…

  • Hi Microsoft says that they will enforce MFA in July


    Microsoft says that they will enforce MFA in July and onwards for all users in Entra, will One Identity support managed identities or service principals for running the Azure AD connector, or how do you plan to solve this?

    Microsoft will require MFA…

  • IAM server upgrades 2016 - 2022

    Hey guys,

    We are planning server upgrades from 2016 to 2022 in the coming weeks.
    The IAM servers are on the list to be upgraded, just want to get any input from you guys on thoughts/concerns around this.
    1IM 9.0 LTS supports Server 2022, so I don't…
  • Authoritative source for Active Directory samaccountname (marriage changing of surname)

    What is the good practise regarding the updating of user accounts in the scenario of where the person gets married?

    *disclaimer* I am currently pre-implmentation certified (all theory no practise), so I have done the courses and certifications but have…

  • Script optional parameters in process step


    i have the following script which has optional parameters:

    Sub CCC_RunQBMLimitedSQL(
    statementNameOrUID As String,
    Optional ByVal parameter1Name As String = Nothing,
    Optional ByVal parameter1Value As Object = Nothing,
    Optional ByVal parameter2Name…

  • Angular WebPortal Problem


    We are using Angular Web Portal. We passed custom application for the api server. Some users use the web portal properly. Evertyhing seems good but some users also cannot use web portal properly. They have been getting an error ('TypeError:Cannot…

  • Condition for template (trigger only if the SYNC is finished)


    I would like to know if it's possible to set a condition in a template so that the template triggers only after the sync is complete.

    Let me explain the use case:
    We have a sync project for SAP SuccessFactors where we perform an initial sync…

  • ITShopCart - check for duplicates for QERReuse and QERReuseUS


    when ordering standard products (roles, groups etc), there's customizer check if there are duplicates in shopping cart. For obvious reasons it doesn't check for duplicates when ordering Multirequest resources. Is there any way to enforce duplicate…

  • Launch custom event on a table from sql

    Hi all,

    I have a custom event on the table PersonWantsOrg, I want to launch this event in bulk for 800 rows,

    I could I do it from an sql script? There is a way to do this inside One Identity?

    I have a custom process on DialogDatabse that run an HandleObjectComponent…

  • Angular Web Not Showing Attestation and Business Role

    Hi all,

    I'm using the new angular web portal on the 9.2 version of One Identity Manager. I followed all the steps in the given link “support.oneidentity.com/.../3. Firstly, I downloaded the project from GitHub and then customized the project and built…

  • Calling API Script results in HTTP 200 with custom success message, but no new object is created

    Hi there,

    we have a problem while calling a script via rest api.

    Following is configured:

    - a new api systemuser ist created

    - the api systemuser is assigned to a permissions group

    - the permissions group...

    ...has view and insert rights on ADSGroup

  • MakeDecision process error

    Hi all,

    i'm launching a MakeDecision method on the object PersonWantsOrg with a HandleObjectComponent - CallMethod process step.

    this process is called all the time by other processes during the workflow of a request and all go fine.

    But in one case…

  • sync error

    Error details: Synchronization steps aborted. Details: An error occured while import from 'OU=xxxx'
    Unknown error (0x80041070)]

    any ideas how to dig into this one, this job runs hourly for our new users and termed

    it eventually clears up, but…

  • Web Portal How to change Product Name?

    Hi all,

    I cannot change the name of the product. I found how to change the logo from the admin portal, but I am unable to change the Productname. Could you assist me with this?

    Thank you,

  • One Identity Manager - SAP Solution Manager integration

    Hello everyone.

    I have to connect One Identity Manager with SAP Solution Manager and I have questions regarding this project.

    In OneIM, is it better to use the native connector for SAP R/3 or should I create a connector from scratch ?

    Thank you in advance…

  • v8.2.1: Too much resources used on IIS pool: sessions (user not logged in) is spiking

    We see the following IIS Server behavior:

    • After restarting the IIS server the number of “User account: (User is not logged in); started at: xxxxxxxxxxx” – sessions is building up to 80-90 sessions. Netstat registers 9 IP connections with port 443. …
  • Angular Web Portal Import Problem


      I followed all the steps in the given link “support.oneidentity.com/.../3. Firstly, I downloaded the project from GitHub and then customized the project and built the project. Then, I zip the file as “Html_qer-app-portal” and saved via Software loader…

  • Custom Certs and DB Private Key on Windows Containers

    I've been setting up a new OIM environment in Azure using AKS with Windows Containers built from the One Identity Images on Docker Hub.

    Following the documentation I'm mounting my custom certs into C:\ca-certificates (from Azure KeyVault via SecretProviderClass…

  • Permisson to revoke account definition

    Hi everyone,

    we want to enable a role based permisson group to revoke the account definition of an ADs Account. 
    We already tried to assign the task permission to the permisson group but it didnt work. (1. User Interface -> 2. Task definitions -> 3. RevokeAccountDef…

  • Failed to authenticate user using OAuth2/Open ID Connect. System.ArgumentException: Invalid JSON primitive: .

    Hello All, 

    We're trying to connect One Identity Manger with Keycloak using openID Connect protocol. Once we enter the URL of the Web portal it redirects back to AM for authentication, after authentication it redirect back to the web portal but with…

  • Login via SSO to applications.

    Hello everyone,

    can anyone tell me how I can configure the login of applications (Manager, Designer, JobqueueInfo...) via SSO?

    Any help is welcome, thank you.

  • SQL Server 2022 support for Identity Manager 9.0 LTS CU3.

    The supported SQL version mentioned in the original Identity Manager 9.0 LTS Release Notes is SQL Server 2019, which is at this moment already some 5 years old. So for newly installing or upgrading from 8.x to 9.0 LTS, it would be preferred to use a more…